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Got an invite to…...
Got an invite to go to Google’s HQ in MountainView to get the Google Glass and get trained up on it. Worth it? Amish Shah Technorati Tags: invite, to…
Check out the recording…...
Check out the recording of the recent online training session I did. I cover all kinds of topics, from chakras, to yantras, to crop circles, to marketing, to “the secret”, to Law of Attraction, to quantum physics, to chanting, to vibrations, to healing, to programming food, to losing weight...
Secret to Success #3: Attending Live Eve...
I’m about to head out to Eben Pagan’s Accelerate workshop – I’m honored that Eben invited me to speak at the event. I’m excited to be at this event… getting out and attending live events is one of the most important secrets to my success online. In this video I share...
When You Have Nothing Unique to Say…...
I’ve got nothing unique to say. It has all been said before. There are so many people who are smarter than me. Why would anyone listen to me? Have you ever found yourself thinking like this? If so – you’re not alone. At one point or another most bloggers do, and many would be bloggers...
“You never change things…...
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” -Buckminster Fuller Amish Shah Technorati Tags: “You, Change, never, things…
Business Success vs. Success at Home...
This video for you about the most important thing in my life… family. It’s also about one of the biggest challenges I see for entrepreneurs… balancing your business with your family life. The theme for this video came while I was away at a beach-side retreat with my extended family…...
It’s true. We really…...
It’s true. We really find out what we’re made of in times of great challenges. When you practice pushing your limits in times of great abundance, you open the door to your highest potential! Project Yourself Ancient Explorers Amish Shah Technorati Tags: it’s, really…, true.
Business Success vs. Success at Home...
This video for you about the most important thing in my life… family. It’s also about one of the biggest challenges I see for entrepreneurs… balancing your business with your family life. The theme for this video came while I was away at a beach-side retreat with my extended family…...
Science is starting to…...
Science is starting to prove some amazing things about our minds and bodies that the ancients taught a long time ago! This is pretty cool! Amish Shah Technorati Tags: Science, Starting, to…
5 Tips To Writing Irresistibly Clickable...
This is a guest contribution from Jackson Nwachukwu, lead blogger at You’ve just been inspired and you’re ready to write the blog post you hope will be a hit. The title not might be the first step in your planning process but it’s fair to say that most people automatically...

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