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Write Less, Say More...
This is a guest contribution from Brooke McAlary, founder of Slow Your Home. You’ve heard of slow food, perhaps even slow travel or slow homes. But slow…blogging? Really? Isn’t the point of blogging to be topical, with our fingers on the pulse of global trends? Don’t we, as...
Don’t Quit Your Job To Chase Your Drea...
“I’m quitting my job to chase my dreams!” When I hear someone say those words I experience two feelings simultaneously. 1. Excitement. You can’t help but admire someone with that kind of passion. Exciting things often happen when people step out of their comfort zone and make...
Which Is Better: New Media Marketing Or ...
Tweet I received an email recently from one my newsletter subscribers named Zsolt, who is from Hungary. He had a really great question regarding what business models still work online. Specifically he was referring to the more social web 2.0 world of blogging, podcasting and social media, versus...
Magic 5-Step Plan To Writing a Post That...
This is a guest contribution by Tim Soulo. I bet the next sentence will totally blow your mind! Ready? Though… I think a bit of preparation wouldn’t hurt. No really, when I told this to my friend the other day he had a heart attack and I had to drive him to the hospital (he’s ok now btw). But...
My Biggest Mistake In My Business (So Fa...
This is the single biggest mistake I made in my business… it’s hard to tell just how much it cost me, but I think it was several years of growth (at a minimum),,, I would love to hear your experience (or your plans) on building a team… please leave a comment below (and please like...
How to Deal with a Firestorm of Controve...
This is a guest contribution from Sherice Jacob. You’ve just hit Publish. You don’t know what will happen from here, but at the moment, you feel relieved. You’ve just written one of the most controversial, eye-opening, highly-polarizing posts on your blog. You know it’s ripe for debate and...
Help! My Baby is Sick and Someone is Ste...
This is a guest contribution from Andrew Grant, owner and author of The Freedom Blog. Two weeks ago I made a shocking discovery. I found out that my youngest child, barely out of nappies, has been infected by a terrible virus with the sinister name of SASS. SASS spreads at an alarming rate and is highly...
What Is Leverage? (And Why It Is Your On...
Tweet One of the aspects I enjoy the most about doing interviews with successful entrepreneurs, is feeding my own curiosity to find out things like - How they attract traffic How they make money What a typical day in their life is like …and so on. Knowing the answers to these questions...
My Experiment with Early Morning Free Wr...
Lately, I’ve found myself settling into a slightly different blogging workflow to my usual one. I’ve been getting up at 6.30am to write. In the morning, our kids have to stay in their rooms until 7am. I’m not quite sure how we managed to get them to do that but it works… for now. I...
How To Upgrade Yourself In One Step...
This is the easiest (though not necessarily the fastest) way to upgrade yourself… Let me know what you think… please leave a comment below (and please like my Facebook page here) Technorati Tags: step, Upgrade, Yourself

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