content top List Building Secrets – Summarised

Relationship Marketing – List Building – Create Lasting Relationships with your customers!

- Most Important – The Gold Is In The List.

- Building Relationships Is The Key To Success + Take Massive Action

- People buy from those who they trust – End of story – Simple! :)

- The more you know about them, the easier it is going to be to provide them content they are looking for.

- The first contact is critical

- Show them that your a real person (who cares about them.)

- Let Them Know What Is To Be Expected

- How often your emailing them

- What email address your sending from

- What the subject line will have in it

- What you will be writing about

- Sending awesome emails – Be consistant

- What days are best to send – (Tuesdays and wednesdays)

- Not monday as they are putting out fires from the weekend and not friday as they are not paying attention to anything important (woo weekend.)

- Freebies – Your going to want to send your list freebies, but be sure not to train them to expect lots of freebies and nothing to buy (this will kill your


- What to send? – Great content they can learn from – A free product or report – A recommendation of a product or service you use or love.

- PLR and Resell Rights

- Grab some PLR/Resell Rights products in your niche, this will give you a tonne of content which you can instantly use. Take the PLR ebook and grab

a chapter, rewrite it a little, now you have your article.

- Teleseminars – They make you money

- They enable you to bond with your list

- It answers their answers, in real time and personally

- Bring an expert in your niche guest speaker in and this will provide them with great content, re-establish your credibility as a leader in your

niche, give yourself an opportunity to promote the experts products or services and make an affiliate commission on every sale and connect with your list

on a personal basis via phone vs. email which can be cold and impersonal.

- Limit your emails to your subscribers to a reasonable amount

- Dont promote products in every single email

- Always offer value – give your subscribers heaps of free shit.

- Make sure what you are offering for free is good value and not rubbish.

- Be available and welcome interaction

- Teleseminars are great for this, but welcome feedback via email

- All this leads to a better relationship and of course, future sales and affiliate commissions.

- The 123 Warm Up

- You want to allow your subscribers to get to know you before you pitch or promote stuff to them.

- Why is this important? Because our newly aquired subscriber isn’t going to buy something from you until they form a bond with you.

- Solid Content Equals Loyal Subscribers

- If you provide great content to your list, then you wont need to push them to buy from you. They will have a level of rapport and trust in you.

- Good content doesnt mean it has to be original.

- Good content is nothing more than whatever it is that your doing.

- You can tell them what your doing and how its working for you. As well as recommend a product.

- Dont promote crap!!! I cant stress this enough.

- When you have great content, people will be excited to open your emails and you will get less unsubscribes.

- Who likes long boring emails?

- NO ONE! Keep it short, sweet and to the point – and loaded with solid information. Period, end of story.

- Treat them like friends, not customers or “subscribers”.

- The majority of marketers out their treat their lists like crap! Dont follow their lead, bond with your list, treat them like you would your closest friends.

- Send out emails asking them what their upto and doing lately

- Stop talking like a marketer and hypeing up bullshit, dont over hype products, tell them how it is.

- Reply to those “you’ve made a sale” messages and personally thank them for the sale. 0.5% of people do this, instead of counting your money, write a quick reply.

- Give them something for free from time to time, give them the inside scoop on product launches.

- Killer idea – Free product for a story

- Tell your list to post a story on your blog, why they deserve your product for free and the best one gets a copy!

- its a great way to have people post on your blog and drive traffic to it, for free!

- Reward loyalty – Let them know you care

- Nothing makes people happier than getting more than tey bargained for.

- After they sign up for you ezine, give them a gift that wasn’t advertised. (Im not talking about the same old bullshit products everyone else gives away.)

- Give them soemthing original, this puts you into a whole new league of marketer.

- More free stuff, More of the time – Just for the heck of it every now and then.

- Get them involved – Ask them what they want.

- One of the best ways to do this and shows that your a real person is to ask them from time to time in your newsletter – Checkout you can signup for free and create a questionaire in under 10mins.

- Ask them to submit articles and stories to your blog about them.

- With surveys – Psychologically, it brings them closer to you. This is an invaluable tool for discovering precise, targeted information about your intended audience.

- Creating Surveys

- The easier it is to fill out your survey, the more inclinded they are to answer. Make the questions multiple choice and easy to answer.

Here are just a few of the questions I’ve asked my list over the years:

- How often would you like to hear from me?

- What topics do you want me to write about?

- What is the best product you have ever bought?

- What is the worst product you have ever bought?

- What are some of the web-sites and forums that you frequent online?

- What product or service do you wish you could find online?

- Would you be interested in one-on-one coaching from me?

- How long have you had your online business?

- What are your goals online?

- Do you have any products that you’ve created?

- If you could ask me three questions, what would they be?

- Become an AWESOME storyteller

- Some of the most interesting and entertaining emails by marketing gurus are the ones with stories in them or a unqiue twist (just like the movies we love.)

- If you are on the lists of marketing heavy weights, you will see they all tell stories.

- They arent excellent copywriters, they just know how to tell outstanding stories.

- When it comes down to it, storytelling is based in our roots, we have it in our blood as we have been doing it for years and years.

- These days we love to hear about other peoples lives and have an inside scoop on what happens to people behind the scenes.

- Where to focus when sending emails

- Subject Line

- Using a story or unique memorable twist in the email

- Links to a website sales page

- Using postscript effectively

- One or two more followup emails within a few days

- Have an effect, interesting or curious subject heading

- How to use storytelling in your email marketing campaigns

- Make sure its revelant

- Keep it short

- Keep your story straight

- Include links to the website at different points in the story (max 2-3 per email + a picture = testing proven).

- Include a summary paragraph

- Tell a compelling story

- How to write an amazing story for your email campaign

- If your doing a sale for a product, tie it into a holiday, event in your life or some sort of celebration.

- Have an excuse to email your subscribers and let them know why your selling them a product at 20-30% discount

- Give them a glimpse at your life. People are always interested in your life and curious about others (thats why womens magazines sell so well.)

- Make the subscriber feel that you are a real person and give them reasons to relate to you.

- Build trust and you will become the guru

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  1. avatar comment-top

    wowza. lots of information.


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