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Interview Your Business

Im really big on giving back to the community especially the city of Sydney where I currently reside.

The more videos I do the more people are starting to enjoy my personality and find what im teaching really helpful in their business. So I have decided to do a post or two a week, interviewing you and your business. Sounds too good to be true?

Well the fact of the matter is this, I have over 5000 loyal followers on Twitter and over 1000 on facebook, that alone is a fair bit of exposure. But thats not even the best part. Almost daily I run campaigns to my blog, promoting new products/services that I find useful and I use media buys/ppc/bulk traffic/email traffic to get people here. My website (after 4 short weeks) adverages 500-600 unique visitors per day!

So I guess your thinking, “Mitch, What makes you want to interview me or my business?” Well here is the kicker. The sole purpose for doing this is to help other people in Sydney get more expose for their businesses and the payment I ask in return for this is to experience your product/service/business for myself.

What this means is, if you own a cafe – I want to try out your coffee and service and in return I will do a video interview about you and your business and throw it on my blog and youtube. If you own a remedial massage business – Give me a basic 1 hour massage so I can get an idea of the service you provide. We can then do an interview and I will upload it to youtube and get your business some exposure.

If this sounds like something you want to do simply send me an email @ Mitch (at), or simply fill out this form – 

I look forward to interviewing you soon! :)

Mitch Sanders - The Marketing Deviant

Mitch Sanders - The Marketing Deviant