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Giving Back – In a MAJOR way

In one my previous posts “Why You’re Not Succeeding“, I wrote about how people are actually SCARED to make money and they don’t know WHY they want to make MORE money.

It’s because, people have this notion in their head that they need money. But they have no idea why they want more money. What are you going to do with it? What do you want more money for? What’s the point?

If you think about it, money is nothing and it doesn’t really exist.. It’s a piece of paper and a number when you login to your bank account.


What’s that about?!

So that’s why you need to have the mentality that it’s not just about making money.

It’s about WHAT you are going to DO with the MONEY and it’s about creating WEALTH by doing so.

One of the main reasons why I want to create wealth is to GIVE BACK. That’s always been one of my biggest dreams.

I mean – if I can make a lot of money, why not help others to have a better life?

Why not empower others to live a happier, fuller, more meaningful life?

Why not create wealth for everyone around me and especially those in need?

Giving is probably one of the BEST traits any human can have. Because when you do, it comes back to you 100X more.

About a year ago, I sponsored my fiance, Puja, to go to Uganda and help the children there. She is a dentist and went to Uganda for two weeks and helped kids with their teeth and helped setup the area’s FIRST dentist office! She LOVES to help under privileged kids out in third world countries and I support that 100%. In fact, we are starting our own foundation soon and are going to leave our whole world behind us and start our mission in about two years. (that’s why I need to make as much money as I can right NOW!)


Puja along with a couple others, went to Uganda through the foundation, Just Like My Child.

Now something you may not know about Just Like My Child is that it is run by Vivian Glyck, who is Mike Koenigs (Traffic Geyser) wife! Vivian Glyck is an amazing woman and she has a passion for her foundation like I have never seen in anyone else.

Absolutely amazing.

So every year, Mike Koenigs and Vivian Glyck put on an event called “Paid for Life“.

This event takes place only once a year and is by invite only. Since it is coming up in three weeks and I wanted to get this post out as soon as possible and get you you’re invite!

Mike and Vivian put on this event to TEACH YOU how to get “Paid for Life”. They got some kick ass speakers and are going to teach you their EXACT system they use to create wealth in their lives.

Even Paula Abdul is going to be there and speaking!!


The best part?

All proceeds of this event go to the Just Like My Child foundation and anyone who buys through THIS LINK will make a donation DIRECTLY to supporting the dental progress that is being made in Uganda.

So if you want to go to a great event and support a great cause, check out Paid for Life!

P.S. – Here are some more pictures of Puja and some others from Uganda!

Amish Shah

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