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2011 is Hereth Bearing Fruits of Success.

happy new year

I assume you are all a little bit plumper from your Christmas feasts and a little bit less stable from your New Years drinks. But time to get back to work the party is over!

Thought about your New Years resolutions? This is officially the first year I’ve given myself a resolution. So I will definitely try my best, so it doesn’t turn into just another resolution.

I’m pretty excited about this year. I’ve got a blank canvas and new pot of paint I want to test out (it’s a genius metaphor relating to my unconfined life and a new business angle I’m trying to use).

Talking about excitement thank you thank you to Miss Sarah J from Webtraffic2go and Miss Gretchen from Globalizer for sending Christmas gifts all the way over to little ole New Zealand.  Mucho gracias!

For all of you yelling and screaming “I can’t wait for Vegas!!!” just know that I hate you people. I’ve decided not to attend Affiliate Summit in Vegas for the first time in three years! I need a little break from traveling, and am trying to get a work routine back in my life. I’m also planning on flying over to the Maldives in Feb or March w00t w00t.

Now I have a question for YOU!

What type of Mr Green posts would you like to see more of in 2011?

Have fun in Vegas next week…grrrr.

Mr Green

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  1. avatar comment-top

    I really want to get my hands on this delicious piece of kit. I can tell I’ll be getting absolutely zero sleep until I best the game!!


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