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Clayton Keirns

My success story doesn’t end in a million dollar day… YET. I am only 21 years old and I actually just closed out an extremely successful launch with my partner. We just closed out our launch and it did $ 17,213.02 in 4 days.

But it didn’t all start out so easy. I have been trying to make money online ever since I was in the 10th grade, which would have made me around 15 or 16 years old. I tried multiple products to make money online. The first one I ever tried was one named “The Ultimate Wealth Package”. I think the guys name was Mark Warren. And that was the first time the “dream” became something I wanted to strive for. Well the product wasn’t really effective, it was just basically “Buy my product, make your own site to promote my stuff and you’ll make $ 50,000/month.” Well THAT didn’t work out very well.

I tried multiple other products to make me “rich”, but none of those really had the right concepts either.

I was then brought into a network marketing “opportunity” named Gano Excel. The main guy was named Robert Hollis, and he sent me an audio interview that Tony Robbins did with Frank Kern. THAT IS WHEN IT ALL CHANGED.

I eventually heard about other guys like Eben Pagan, Jeff Walker, Andy Jenkins, and Mike K. I learned TONS of things from their material. I eventually went into action and tried the things that they taught me, but things didn’t go how I planned it.

That is when I knew that I had to IMMERSE myself, and understand that these things were not going to just “happen”. I had to better MYSELF in order for success to come my way.

It took a while, but after trial and error, and keeping my MINDSET right, it finally happened for me!

The reason why lots of people fail isn’t because they don’t have the potential, its because they don’t FOLLOW THROUGH. If you just DON’T give up and if you truly just keep on keepin’ on, then you will SUCCEED!

You have to get this “Doomsday” mindset OUT of your head and focus your mind on the RIGHT things.

“Success leaves clues” -Jim Rohn Its simple, look at the things that successful people are doing, and DO THOSE THINGS. It works, you just have to keep pushing through what your mind tells you that you cannot do.

I encourage you to move forward and to NEVER give up.


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