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Dear Stranger,
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I haven’t posted for three months, and man does it feel odd to be writing again.
I’ve missed you. I missed the way you scrolled down my posts.
I know what you’re thinking, why the lack of posts? It’s not you. It’s me. It’s a combination of travel, my new ventures, a change in business mindset, me questioning why I still blog, plus a touch of laziness.
I started this blog to act as a networking tool. I now know a few people. Then, I wanted it to be a quality resource for marketing advice. I taught a few people.
Now I’m thinking of posting more high-level business conversation. This year I have invested myself in href="">F5, an ad agency, a luxury BnB, and a solid chunk of stocks. Even though I still run campaigns myself, I’m more stimulated in talking about running a business then running campaigns.
Don’t get me wrong, I will still post some whack stuff. You will still question whether I am on tripping out on something chronic.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hey, and expect some more posts coming up from me very soon.
style="color: #888888;">P.S. What the heck is with the “group” drama on Facebook?
style="color: #888888;">I’d love to know. I don’t usually like to get involved with that kind of stuff, but when people automatically add you to a group and you get notifications for every single post, you don’t really have a choice. People seem to be getting a little precious.
style="color: #888888;">P.P.S. Team Asia & South Pacific FTW! I’m proud of you lads!
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Mr Green
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