Greetings once more Entrepreneurs! I’m going off on a tangent today about engaging in the world of social media to build your profile, build your brand and grow your business. This is a topic we’re all pretty savvy about as online entrepreneurs, because we’re all doing it, and most of us will have experienced some success with it. I’m writing this post to share with you just how extraordinary the power of social media has been for me in my own business, and specifically to let you know that if I can do this anyone can!
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In regard to the above statement, I have to explain, I’m not an expert in social media, and my computer skills are questionable. I don’t have huge numbers of followers on
href="">Twitter or friends on
href="">Facebook, and none of my
href="">YouTube videos have gone viral. But I’ve still been able to use it to launch me to a level of connection and communication with people who I would LOVE to be associated with and do business with! These are individuals I consider to be the best in the world in my field. To me, the power of social media is mind blowing! Even more exciting is, as aforementioned, if I can do this, anyone can.
Let’s start with Facebook and YouTube. I was asked recently to be represented by a speaker’s bureau. This business books speakers around the world, with the lowest fee bracket being 7,500 Euro. But most of the speakers are in the “more than 30,000 Euro, or the, ‘better pm the bureau, it’s going to cost you a fortune’ bracket” – aka, Sir Richard Branson, Lance Armstrong, Jimmy Carter, Sir Bob Geldoff, Nobel laureates, Spice Girls, Supermodels, etc.
To be offered an opportunity to be represented by this bureau is pretty exciting for me, and it came through social media. A representative of the bureau saw my videos on YouTube, checked out my website, befriended me on Facebook and the rest is history. I couldn’t have imagined this simple sequence of events in my wildest dreams…Well, maybe that’s not true, because all of our creations come from our intentions, so I guess I did dream it on some level…getting esoteric and off-topic, quick, back to business!
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What this does for my business in both financial terms and profile building is incredible. I’ve asked to put my presence on the speaker’s bureau on hold until July, after I’ve completed some intensive speaking and presenting training. I have plenty of speaking and presenting experience, and I love it, but if I’m playing at the level of their other speakers, I need to make sure I can be in the game with some professional training and tweaking.
id="more-6124">The other astounding outcome from my social media adventures was being interviewed for an upcoming book on creativity, but this is not just any book as far as my work is concerned. The author, Sir Ken Robinson, is considered the world’s foremost expert on creativity. I’ve referenced him plenty of times before in both my book and
href="">my posts. This opportunity came via Twitter and Facebook. I responded to a tweet then followed through with a facebook message. I was contacted by his co-author for an interview a day later. I was so shocked, I nearly feel off my chair!
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Sir Ken’s co-author, Lou Aronica has interviewed people all around the world for the upcoming book. It’s due out in July, and it’s about how different people access their creativity or find their Element. If you can imagine your own level of excitement at being interviewed for a book by the one person in the world whose work you love the most, and who is the biggest name in your niche, then you can probably get how buzzed I was about this. Being a writer though, I’m aware that passages can end up on the editing room floor, so fingers crossed this doesn’t happen to mine! As far as how this post is related to creativity, I’ll be very brief on this because it’s covering old ground. When you look at the play personalities that guide us to how we express our creativity, there is one in particular that loves to connect and communicate with others, it’s the Director. I’ve got a fairly strong Director element in the way I love to play, and I’ve noticed a lot of women do. It’s an intriguing correlation to observe the amount of women who use social media and get amazing results from it, and I’m pretty sure this is due to social media being a perfect platform for the Director play personality to get their groove on in myriad ways to connect and communicate with others. Getting active in social media has been one of the most amazing ways to make contacts, build business and public profile for me. There’s no silver bullet needed to get similar results in your own business. But there is one thing I know for sure that helps, it’s congruency, consistency and being in the right place at the right time with the right information. Those last three things might sound like impossible aspects to have any control over, but the truth is, you create that for yourself. When you are congruent and consistent with who you are, and what you offer to the world, you magnetize opportunities to you like some kind of master alchemist in full swing. I said before there was no silver bullet, I take it back. There is, it’s got Facebook, Twitter and YouTube written all over it, and anyone can do it? Many thanks for reading and I’d love to hear of your own social media adventures or insights. Cheers, Neroli. P.S. All of these opportunities happened in the last three months. For me, social media has been one of the fastest, easiest and cheapest ways to build my profile, build my brand and grow my business. I hope you find ways to make this as fun and useful a tool in your own business. P.P.S. Terry, Kara, Rob and any other readers who have expressed particular interest the creative process,
href="">I’ve posted an article on my site that goes further into the element of the unconscious or superconscious role in the creative process. I was writing it for Entrepreneurs Journey, but I realized it’s getting a bit off the topic of creativity in business and it also gets a bit left field and esoteric when we start journeying into the unknown. I decided I’d better not subject the E-J audience to an entire article on this, so if you’d like to see what else I’ve dug up on the more unusual aspects of creativity, pop over there to have a look
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Creativity And Social Media
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