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Paula Abdul and Product Launches…

Paula Abdul and Jeff WalkerSo a couple of days ago I flew into San Francisco – I was going there to give a talk at Brendon Burchard’s “Expert’s Academy” workshop.

When I stepped off the plane in San Francisco I had no freaking clue that within an hour I would be helping “blueprint” a product launch for Paula Abdul – a product launch that will likely kick off with appearances on all the biggest talk shows on network TV.

(That should make for a nice pre-prelaunch!)

What a crazy world… I start the day flying out of my one-gate airport in tiny Durango, CO and a few hours later I’m helping strategize the best way to use a series of appearances on the biggest TV network talk shows as part of a product launch.

This is the deal… it was one of those times when all the travel went smoothly. Got off the plane in San Francisco on time, found my driver right away… and made it to the hotel in no time.

I walked into the lobby and there was my old friend Frank Kern and new friend Dean Graziosi (Dean is on TV every day, and his company does $ 1 million in sales every WEEK – all driven by infomercials).

Turns out Dean is working with Paula Abdul on releasing a new product… and he was hoping to get some help from Frank and I with figuring out a product launch sequence. It was all a surprise to me, but it sounded cool – so we got right into it.

And that’s how I ended up sitting at a table with Paula Abdul, and Frank and Dean… doing some big picture strategic planning for this launch.

Now frankly, I don’t have any idea about the inner workings of all those TV talk shows (it sounds like there’s a lot of gamesmanship about which show you’re going to appear on when) but I’ve got a pretty good idea on how to drive a TON of traffic from an appearance on those shows (think of the most famous TV talk shows – yeah, you know the ones I’m talking about. Household names. Millions and millions of viewers.)

And trust me, Paula and her manager were VERY interested in our strategies. Paula told me that mainstream Hollywood is just starting to wake up to Internet Marketing… and that the agents and studios are both fascinated by it and scared to death of it.

(What’s really cool is that Paula’s launch is for a product that could make a serious – and very positive – impact on the hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. and beyond. Within minutes of meeting Paula, it was obvious she’s got a HUGE heart and she’s on a mission to help a lot of people. And with Dean’s help, she’s been able to tap into our crazy world of Internet Marketing, and the whole product launch world.)

Which all goes back to my “Powered by Internet Marketing” blog post… as I mentioned, us Internet Marketers are going to continue to play a larger and larger role in “real world” big business. It’s going to happen gradually at first… but look out world, here we come.

- Jeff

P.S. I didn’t forget about that Flip video contest… we had soooo many amazing comments in the “Powered by Internet Marketing” post. In fact… it got me EVEN MORE fired up… and I’m going to be expanding on what Internet Marketing means to me… but for now I just want to announce a winner for the Flip.

So here we go… the winner is Mel with comment #83. Congratulations! You’ll be getting an email from Betty on my team to arrange for shipment.

P.P.S. A product launch for a major celebrity using mainstream TV… pretty cool, eh?

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