Twitter marketing is a highly effective way to drive traffic to your content and establish an online presence in the quickest amount of time. While Twitter Marketing is cool, it’s not effective unless you have a strategy in place before you begin. This is why people need to focus less on social media tools and more on social media strategy.
Almost every person who owns a business wants to know how social media marketing can help drive more traffic to their website. Done right, Twitter Marketing can lead to positive exposure for your business.
Your business’s Twitter strategy needs to be individually designed for your business, product and audience. When planning your strategy, two things that are important to keep in mind is relationship-building and content. Twitter is a rich source of instantly updated information. However unlike Facebook, Twitter has a short attention span. In Twitter, content is king. Creating updates that are interesting and with useful links draws traffic to your website. And more traffic means more business as well. By using Twitter to post great content and interesting links, you are creating another channel where you can get numerous sales leads.
Start thinking about sharing information, providing value, and becoming a resource to others. Remember at the end of the day you want to create a dialogue with your customers. Be helpful and answer the questions your follower have. Building relationships is one of the most important parts of social media marketing success. This lets you know what your customers like and don’t like which gives you an excellent starting point for making changes, and creating offerings that will appeal to your audience.
From a business and marketing perspective, Twitter helps you develop and promote your brand by tweeting about your products and services. Further, Twitter helps you interact with your customers and prospects, possibly in their preferred format. Because Twitter is real-time information this is often the fastest way to deal with a customer service issue.
With Twitter search you can also track what people are saying about you and your company. Simply search for your brand, product name, or company name and it’s like you’re listening in on a semi-private conversation. The comments aren’t necessarily directed at you, or event made my one of your followers, but you can response nonetheless.
Twitter even is a great place to develop direct relationships with bloggers, offline journalists and industry leaders. Just about everyone in the media industry has a Twitter presence. Engage them in conversation and you may find yourself on the evening news.
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