Hello people!
I thought I would pop in and let you know what’s been going down in Mr Greenland. This post will be like secret baby-sitters club “dear diary” update, but ten times as tough.
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For those who’ve been trying to get hold of me for the past month, I haven’t meant to ignore you. I was AFK (away for komputer). I have been trying to catch up with emails as much as possible, although in practise this has been tough >>
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The reason for this backlog is that I went road tripping around the north of New Zealand with some Italianos and either had limited wifi access, limited mobile phone access, or a combination of both. My calendar says it’s meant to be summer in New Zealand but it certainly doesn’t feel like it. We actually had a historically horrific storm. Here are some photos from the music festival we went to:
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I got back home yesterday and tomorrow I am going to be leaving for Affiliate Summit West in Vegas wohooooooooo!!!
This is going to be a big one for me for a few reasons:
I’d also like to say thank you to all you glorious readers! If I could give each of you an award I would, but I dunno how feasible that would be. I feel like I can have a conversation with you guys, instead of just being a lecturer with an e-whiteboard. Your feedback and suggestions have been extremely valuable. Thank ya!
Lastly, if you want to meet up at ASW, just holla. I won’t bite unless you give me food. I’ll be getting in on the 6th of Jan. Can’t wait to see the crew!
P.S. I kissed a girl last week.
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