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6 Bizarre Business Ideas (That Actually Worked)

Mr Green is not here right now. He is on holiday. Sorry, I lied, he is here but I decided to take over his blog for the day. My name is Sam Briones, I write for SafeAuto. We provide information about cheap auto insurance. Don’t worry I’m not going to try and sell you auto insurance or hurt Mr Green. I actually put together a fascinating article that I thought you folk might enjoy.

Looking for a new business venture?

Forget about brainpower and common sense. Think weird/kooky with a hint of madness. Wacky ideas are turning more and more heads. Consumers are always hungry for something new, something they haven’t seen before. Below are 6 business ideas that are as wacky as they come, but they actually worked! Take inspiration from them and you and your idea may just become the next big thing.

1. Doggles – $ 5,000,000 profit/year.

dogglesClothes for your pet dogs and cats have been around for years but are taking accessories to the next level. Owner Jill Doyle manages a company that sells eyewear for dogs. These doggles go beyond being a fashion accessory, they’ve proven to be very practical too. Dog goggles stop dirt and dust from getting into a dog’s eyes. They also provide UV protection. Not only that, doggles works great for pooches who have just had eye surgery.

Mr Green says: Sweet idea, if you want to make your dog look like a douchebag.

2. Bacon flavored everything – $ 1,400,000 revenue/year.

bacon lip balmBacon is undeniably one of America’s favorite foods. Despite it being deemed unhealthy, it just tastes unbelievably good. Justin Esch and Dave Lefko realized the niche market for bacon and started J&D’s Foods.They stocked everything from Bacon Salt, Baconnaise, Bacon Lip Balm, BaconLube, BaconPOP, Bacon Ranch and Mmmvelopes. Since their start in the year 2007, J&D Foods have continually grown using their tasty formula for success.

Mr Green says: Ok I’m actually seriously thinking of getting some of those Mmmmvelopes.

3. Pet Rocks – $ 15,000,000 in 6 months.

pet rocksIn 1975, Gary Dahl found himself in a bar, listening to his friends complain about their pets. He then joked that the perfect pet would be a rock. They didn’t have to be walked, fed, bathed and groomed. A pet rock wouldn’t misbehave, get sick, or even die. They were the perfect pets!

Gary later took his joke seriously, and went on to manufacture and sell his Pet Rock. Within 6 months Gary sold $ 15,000,000 worth of pet rocks. The craze died off relatively fast. But $ 15,000,000 ain’t to bad for 6 months work.

Mr Green says: I’d prefer a Giga Pet/Tamagotchi. But good on him for selling rocks.

4. The outlet for rage – Figures not disclosed.

the venting placeEverybody gets those moments of rage, where you just want to smash and destroy everything in your path. In Tokyo, you actually can! A store called the The Venting Place opened up in Tokyo with a rather interesting concept. They created a service where anyone can walk into a room filled with cups, plates, glasses and smash the S$ %& out of them. Needles to say, the venture continues to be a smashing success!

Mr Green says: Definitely my kind of thing. However I would take it a step further and create a selection of fully furnished rooms, even an entire house. You will then be able to select a weapon on entry. A sledge hammer would definitely be my preference.

5. Fake wishbones – $ 2,500,000 revenue/year

plastic wishbonesSure most of us like the novelty of breaking a wishbone once a year. But would you pay for that experience? Ken Ahroni had the crazy idea of creating synthetic wishbones that replicated the same feel and sound as real turkey wishbones. He transformed that idea into a multimillion dollar company that goes by the name of Lucky Break. Did he have a great idea or did he just get lucky?

Mr Green says: Someone should launch a line of fake black cats. I’m sure the are some haters out there that want to unleash some bad luck on people.

6. HIV dating – $ 300,000 revenue/year

positives datingFancy going on a dating with someone HIV positive? Paul Graves and Brandon Koechlin thought there would be interest. So they decided to build a dating site dedicated to dating for HIV positive singles. Within two years they hit 50,000 members and $ 110,000 revenue in sales. Nearly 5 years on and their site is thriving…in more than one way.

Mr Green says: Plenty of fish ads + plus offer = profit?

Mr Green

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  1. avatar comment-top

    I have read your blog where you have showed 6 Bizarre Business Ideas. Really, i need these to work intelligently. Thanks.


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