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10 Ways to Exponentially Grow Your Traff...
This is a guest contribution from Marcus Taylor of Venture Harbour. In Western cultures, there is a prevailing belief that you ‘work your way to the top’, ‘climb the ladder’, and make slow and steady efforts to achieve success. This way of thinking is undoubtedly a smart approach, particularly...
Blog for Foreigners Without Getting Lost...
This guest post is by Regina Scharf of Deep Brazil. Have you ever considered blogging in a language other than your own? You definitely should. One year ago, when I started Deep Brazil, a blog that shows aspects of my country that are seldom in the media, I had a problem: there was no point in publishing...
How We Had Our First Product Manufacture...
One of the most important decisions a new company with a product to sell will make is selecting a manufacturer.  While some design companies may decide to keep production local, most will choose an international factory for mass production, typically in Asia or in South America, depending on your product. For...
Top 10 Most Hilarious YouTube Videos...
Top 10 Most Hilarious YouTube Videos Photo courtesy of mudeth Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter. I’m sharing this in hopes of putting a little smile on your face today. So in that spirit, here’s a list of my favorite funny videos on YouTube. Please note that these are all in...