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How I Increased Facebook Reach and Engag...
Note: This post has been updated with fresh examples including our most seen post ever. Over the last week I’ve been putting a renewed effort into working with Facebook after listening to a session by Amy Porterfield at our ProBlogger Training Event last week. While our Digital Photography School...
Building a Blog Brand, Posting Frequency...
In our most recent webinar we had 700 questions submitted by attendees – many of which we simply didn’t have time to cover. Here are 3 of those questions and some quick answers. How to Build a Brand for Your Blog “What is the most important rule of thumb for building a brand?”...
How My Facebook And YouTube Profiles Led...
Greetings once more Entrepreneurs! I’m going off on a tangent today about engaging in the world of social media to build your profile, build your brand and grow your business. This is a topic we’re all pretty savvy about as online entrepreneurs, because we’re all doing it, and most...
You Have a Niche! You Just Don’t Know ...
This guest post is by Heather Eigler of Yes, you do have a niche. You’ve likely read it a thousand times on blogs about blogging. Two of the number one pieces of advice are ‘choose your niche wisely’ and ‘write what you know.’ So what if you aren’t wise and don’t know...
How To Get Free Publicity For Your Busin...
Print media is just one avenue of publicity that is available. Depending on your business or story, radio, TV and online may be more appropriate. In this article, I share my top tips for attracting TV and radio coverage how to prepare for them. TV And Radio Media The main differences between broadcast...
No, I’m not dead! I’ve just been bus...
I’m back! And I have some news!* *adhd sufferers scroll straight to the bottom. These past 3 weeks have been pretty crazy for me, so I thought creating a list of happenings would be suitable. I flew to San Fran. Stayed at the 202 mansion with the industry saints Wes Mahler, Alex Tshering, Nana...
3 Streams of Traffic Most People Swear a...
If you’ve ever spent any amount of time in any of the most popular marketing forums, you’ve probably come across many threads that swore these 3 streams of traffic are utterly useless: - List Builders - Safelists - Passive Traffic Every time I came across one of these threads, I would naturally chime...
This Sunday You’re Invited to #Blogcha...
One of my favorite times of the week on Twitter is on Monday mornings, my time (Sunday night for many of you), when Twitter comes alive with #blogchat. #blogchat is a hashtag on Twitter that ties together hundreds of bloggers all talking about a particular aspect of blogging for an hour or so. It starts...
What I believe about . . . Entrepreneurs...
I am on many different “guru’s” mailing lists, but I am almost always blow away by the content Perry Marshall writes to his list. I copied and pasted it below so you can see what im talking about. === Some time ago my travels took me to the red soil of Nairobi, Kenya. A gracious schoolteacher...