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Searching For Enthusiasm (And Why It’s...
During my early twenties I was introduced to the author Paulo Coelho, beginning with his book The Pilgrimage and then his most famous book, The Alchemist. I then went on a bit of a Coelho binge, reading everything I could find by him. Most of his books I loved and still do. His writing style has...
Over $300,000 From A Website About Model...
Press play to begin streaming the audio or right click the text link and choose save as or save link. Download the MP3 [ 57 Minutes - 27 MB ] Subscribe to this Podcast in iTunes. I really do love these niche site success stories, especially when they feature such passion driven subjects (and I admit...
marketing with online business cards...
The possibilities are endless when it comes to marketing a business, as there are a lot of options to choose from. There is the expensive marketing campaigns which include ads on billboard and television, in addition to the modern methods like email messages and social networking websites like Twitter...
The Power In Thinking Small When Startin...
Many of us, as entrepreneurs, start off with big intentions to do big things. Although I love dreaming big and hear a lot about people thinking big, I find that there is power in thinking small when we are getting started as entrepreneurs or solo-preneurs. Thinking small when you’re just getting...
Does Formal Education Matter When Openin...
Entrepreneurship is taught in nearly every business program at university, but does your education or your college major really factor into success when going out on your own as an entrepreneur? If so, what types of education are beneficial to entrepreneurial success and what types are worth a second...
Is Shiny Object Syndrome Blinding You Fr...
A business built on flimsy foundations will soon crumble. How do you know if that is your business? Here are some clues. If your business is built on tactics and not strategies, the newest “push button” software, a “loophole” to exploit Google or Facebook or any dodgy marketing tactic that misleads...
Use This Dot-Point Easy System To Write ...
It’s that time again when the old year winds down (toodles, 2011), a new year sparkles before us full of potential, promise, and possibility (hey there, 2012), and savvy entrepreneurs are preparing their 2012 business plans. If you’ve never prepared a business plan, then this is the year...
My Most Challenging Year Part 2: A New B...
If you haven’t read part one, you can do so here – My Most Challenging Year Part 1: When Family Tragedy Strikes At the start of 2011 I set up this blog to run as automatically as possible. A stay at home mum friend, Steph, from my city Brisbane came on board as editor and head of…...
A Reality Check About Who Really Owns Yo...
If you think that you are a proud owner of your own online business, think again. We are often ignorant of this harsh truth, yet it’s there – lurking behind like a thief at night. This truth hit me on the head a few weeks back when Twitter shut down my empire of some 130K followers. Then,...
3 Reasons Why Potential Customers Will W...
Have you ever wondered why it is that some online businesses thrive and continue to do so, while others just fail miserably? It is interesting to observe the differences between successful online businesses and those that, while they have a presence, just are not profitable at all! Knowing the reason...

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